What can you learn from Patagonia’s display ads?

Have you ever wondered what creative your competitors are running in their display ads? How about the offers they are running? Or, are you curious where the display ads appear and if you should run your ads there? Our new Display Ad Monitoring Service answers this question by allowing marketers to enter in the URL of any Advertiser or Publisher and learn everything about their display ad strategy.

Above are partial results from a search we did on one of our favorite brands, Patagonia. Lots to learn just by looking at the banners we captured. For example:

  • We see the creative used and can match that to the publisher site it appeared on
  • We see see the different ad formats they ran
  • We see the offers run and how long they ran for – -great info for a competitive advertiser
  • We even see a few banners containing French ad copy. If we were Patagonia, we could use this to make sure the copy was translated correctly

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