Expanded Mobile and Canada Ad Monitoring

August 07, 2017

The Search Monitor, precision ad intelligence for search marketers and affiliate managers has added two new product releases this week. The release includes:

Mobile Ad Monitoring for AOL, Baidu and Yandex

AOL, Baidu and Yandex join Yahoo Mobile and Google Mobile as options for your monitoring campaigns on The Search Monitor’s platform. Here are a few mobile reports you can run for any of these networks:

  • Market Share
  • Ad Copy
  • Popular Offers (auto-extracted from mobile ads)
  • Rank
  • Search Marketing Visibility Score (SMVS)
  • All affiliate monitoring reports
  • All brand protection reports

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Zipcode Monitoring for Searches in Canada

The Search Monitor has now added zipcode level monitoring for Canadian searches. This feature has been available for US searches on Google, Yahoo and Bing, but now also includes Canada. If you’re not familiar with zipcode targeting Contact us for more info.

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