Which party supply stores celebrate the highest search marketing visibility?

With St. Patty’s Day quickly approaching, it’s time for party supply stores to make sure they are appearing for their most valuable searches. The best way to check your search engine visibility is to find out your Search Marketing Visibility Score™ (SMVS). This new grade for search marketers measures a company’s search presence across the entire results page (a.k.a. SERP)—Paid, Organic, and Product Listing Ads (PLA)—and adjusts it for a company’s specific competition. We looked at 52 party supply keywords in U.S. Google searches from March 2-9, 2016. Our goal was to grade the advertisers that appeared.

Which party supply advertisers scored the highest Search Marketing Visibility?

Oriental Trading Company outscored the other advertisers by far. Congrats to Oriental Trading Company for their strong full-page visibility on these party planning keywords. Party City ranked 2nd for search visibility, with a score of 52. Still, however, Oriental Trading’s score puts them comfortably ahead in the mind of party supply shoppers.

How do Oriental Trading and Party City’s strategies break down?

Let’s dive deeper into the leaders’ performance by pulling out scores for Paid, Organic and PLA share. The Search Monitor combines these three scores with a proprietary competitive weighting to produce the full-page SMVS mentioned above.

From this breakdown, you can see that Oriental Trading focused their efforts more on PLA and Paid, while Party City put their marketing efforts into Organic. Not surprisingly, the more all-encompassing strategy employed by Oriental Trading resulted in a higher overall score. Again, nice work Oriental Trading!

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