PPC Benchmarks For Search Marketers (Q2 2015)

Get the performance benchmarks used by search marketing experts

This free guide provides search advertisers with:

  • 6 PPC metrics: Number of Advertisers, Share, Rank, CTR, CPC & Clicks by Rank
  • 5 important PPC verticals: Retail, Finance, Travel, Automotive & Telecom
  • Benchmarks for top-tier and middle-tier advertisers. Why? Make sure you are better than the Middle Tier and aiming for the Top
  • Recommendations: Tips for how to use each benchmark
  • How-to Checklist for Ad Monitoring: 10 tips for search marketers
  • NEW for Q2: 12-month CPC & CTR trends, Popular Offers, Clicks by Rank

Look inside! View Popular Retail Offers & CTR 12-Month Trend

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