
Recent News

New Release: Ad Armor Enhancements

The Search Monitor is delighted to unveil NEW enhancements to Ad Armor, the most powerful tool in your SEM toolbox.

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October 22, 2018

The Search Monitor Is Integrated with Tableau

The Search Monitor has integrated its ad monitoring and brand protection data into Tableau via the Tableau API.

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February 14, 2018

The Search Monitor Nominated For “Best Use Of Data” Biddable Awards

The Search Monitor is proud to be nominated in the Best Use of Data category for Performics’ work with Europcar.

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November 20, 2014

The Search Monitor Posts Google’s Most Popular Holiday PLA Offers to Its Website Every Day

The Search Monitor today announced it will help marketers this holiday season by posting the most popular Special Offers appearing in Google’s Product Listing Ad (PLA) unit.

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June 09, 2014

The Search Monitor Detects and Takes Down Fraudulent PPC Ad Ring

Paid search ads are just as susceptible to fraud as other forms of digital advertising.

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May 27, 2014

The Search Monitor Takes Down Online Advertising Fraud Ring

Last month, The Search Monitor detected fraudulent PPC ads running on Bing, Yahoo, and Google. The fraudsters impersonated more than 300 advertisers on a global scale. The advertisers that were affected by the fraudulent activity spanned across several industries.

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June 26, 2008

We Are Live!

The Search Monitor monitors advertising activity on the web. We watch advertisers on paid search – what they bid on, their ad copy, and their ranks. We also watch blogs, news, and landing pages. We are looking for trademark abuse, brand mentions, affiliate marketers out of compliance with terms, and competitor promotions, pricing strategies, budgeting strategies, and ad copy.

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