New Features: Email Control, More Charts, Crawler Updates

August 13, 2010

  • Email Content Control.  You could always send violations and interesting reports via email from The Search Monitor.  Now you can control the subject and body of all emails and save them to re-use again later.
  • New Charting Stats.  Chart the number of trademark violations and easily see trends over time.
  • Restricted Keywords.  You could always get alerts with CSV file attachments via email for affiliates misusing your trademark on paid search.  The new Restricted Keywords report provides an added view available from within the interface.
  • New Affiliate Crawling Technology.  We have enhanced our proprietarty affiliate detection and crawling technology to enable The Search Monitor to easily identify affiliate evaders who use rigorous bot detection tests in order to hide from crawlers.  These new enhancements are successful at catching all currently deployed affiliate evasion tactics.

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