New Release: Ad Armor

February 09, 2023

Since as long as we can remember, The Search Monitor has been helping marketers to coordinate SEO and SEM efforts with reporting areas like SERP Share (since 2015!) which grades SEM & SEO performance against competitors, by keyword, to show the entire page real-estate in a singular view.  From these reports, SEM marketers have been able to make optimization decisions such as when to run ads, when to turn ads off, and to grade their overall SOV against the entire market landscape.

As an expansion on SERP Share, in early January 2023, we released a new reporting area called Ad Armor.

Ad Armor is a powerful new tool from The Search Monitor to free up ad dollars, by safely pushing traffic to your free organic listings, without sacrificing traffic or conversions.

Ad Armor analyzes SEM, SEO, and Shopping listings on keywords that are already in your TSM account and from other sources.  It then provides tactical recommendations to turn ads on and off based on configurable thresholds.

We estimate that customers will free up 20 – 40% of their paid ad budgets on keywords with strong SEO rankings without sacrificing clicks or conversions.  The extra budget can then be funnelled into other paid ad opportunities.

Ad Armor is free for TSM customers for a limited time.

Find out What Ad Armor Can Do to Boost Your SEM Performance.

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