New Release: Keyword Layout Report

September 01, 2023

Having collaborated with Search Engine Marketers for over fifteen years, The Search Monitor profoundly recognizes the importance of confidently allocating ad resources. This year, we announced Ad Armor, a powerful new tool to free up ad dollars by safely pushing traffic to your free organic listings without sacrificing traffic or conversions. Freeing up 20 – 40% of their paid ad budgets on keywords with strong SEO rankings without sacrificing clicks or conversions is a game-changer, and many brands are already taking advantage of it.

To build upon these advancements, The Search Monitor announced today that it has added a new Keyword Layout report for customers using its SEM Insights platform. This enhanced report shows the complete layout of the Search Engine Results Page, including critical metrics such as the % of paid ads, % of PLA Ads, and the page order of each organic section. This fresh view will serve customers in determining the allocation of resources towards specific ad units amid an ever-turbulent search market.

By incorporating this report into its SEM Insights, The Search Monitor enables brands to take control of the search results page by allocating resources and making informed decisions across text ads, SEO listings, and shopping ads.

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