New Release: Organic, Shopping, Local

July 27, 2009

We are pleased to announce that the following new features and enhancements were released this month:

  1. Affiliate ID. The affiliate ID is available as a separate field in all of the Affiliate Monitor reports. You can also find the affiliate ID as a column option within custom reports.
  2. Bubble Charts. You can now create custom bubble charts – you control the x and y axis, the colors, and which competitors are charted. Charts can be customized, emailed and scheduled.
  3. Organic, Local, and Shopping Release. The Search Monitor’s organic reports are unique because we report on the actual contents of the SERP page – this includes all page sections and the traits of each listing. ‘Page Section’ consists of natural listings, local listings (the map), video, images, books, shopping, blog section, news sections, and others. Listing traits include paid inclusion (Yahoo), expandable stock quotes, maps, video players, indented listings, sub-links, ratings, and reviews.Organic reports allow you to monitor competitors, affiliates, and trademarks just like you can with paid search. Organic reports are included with all of our existing packages. Every term that is crawled for paid search, is now automatically crawled for organic.

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