New Release: YouTube Promoted Videos

January 10, 2010

YouTube is one of the top search engines, but very few of us realize that you can advertise on YouTube. YouTube has a product called ‘promoted videos’ which you can buy on a cpc basis through either YouTube or Google Adwords in the USA, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Promoted videos appear along the right rail of the page and link to YouTube videos. If you try a few searches on YouTube, you will quickly notice that many of the right rail videos are not related to your search. Now try doing this on your branded terms and see if you can find anything related to you or your brand in these results. Promoted Videos provides a whole new arena for others to advertise and take advantage of the strength of your brand.

That is why The Search Monitor now monitors the Promoted Videos on YouTube. We know this advertising is in its infancy, but we also know that your brand is being mixed with unrelated videos which may offend or detract from your brand image and therefore needs to monitored so that you can take action either through reporting abuses to YouTube, or adjusting your strategy to ensure that your videos are promoted on the right rail and not those of your competition or your detractors.

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