New Releases: Custom Charts & More

April 29, 2009

  • Custom Charts: You may have noticed the ‘Charts’ link in the top navigation. You can use ‘Charts’ to create a custom line chart to compare advertisers on various metrics including: Avg. Rank, Market Share, Frequency, Keyword Reach, # of Active Ad Copy Variations. # New Ad Copy Variations, % New Ad Copy Variations.
  • Frequency Statistic: The frequency statistic is available in ‘Custom Reports’ and in the new ‘Charts’ feature. Frequency represents the number of times an ad or competitor was seen out of the total available crawls. It is essentially the ad serving frequency and is an important component of market share.
  • URL Path: The Search Monitor crawls from ads to the landing page and several levels off of the landing page for certain search providers who allow it. This enables better affiliate detection. You can find all URL Path information whenever you see a green arrow next to a listing. You can also download the URL path from ‘Custom Reports’ by selecting the ‘Ad URL Path’ choice.

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