The Search Monitor Launches New PLA Enhancement – Sellers Snapshots

October 18, 2021

Orlando, FL – The Search Monitor announced today that it has released a new and enhanced Product Listing Ads feature – Sellers Snapshot. Sellers Snapshot allows advertisers to see all competitors’ product listings along with max and min prices. This new feature added to The Search Monitor’s PLA Insights gives advertisers visibility to the most precise and comprehensive competitive data available, resulting in the ability to make more effective campaign decisions and better compete against online shopping ads. These unprecedented insights will make it possible for advertisers to better understand their competitors. This new feature follows other recent PLA Enhancements, including:  

  • Keyword Coverage:  Find out which keywords are triggering shopping ads and where you and your competitors have coverage gaps.
  • Share of Voice (SOV) Alerts: Users can now get a SmartAlert™ when PLA SOV increases or drops for your own ads and your competitors’ products.

Lori Weiman, CEO of The Search Monitor, sums up the significance of these enhancements, “The Search Monitor helps brands dominate the search marketplace with global visibility across paid ads, organic listings, and shopping listings.  Together with our SERP Share reports, visibility scoring, and keyword customizations, the new Sellers Snapshot adds one more tool to our retail customers’ brand defense tool chest as we continue to assist top brands with whole market viewability.”

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