The Search Monitor Launches PLA Enhancements

September 30, 2021

Orlando, FL – The Search Monitor announced today that it has released new and enhanced Product Listing Ads features. These exciting enhancements to The Search Monitor’s PLA Insights gives advertisers access to the most precise and comprehensive data available, resulting in the ability to make more effective campaign decisions and better compete in the online marketplace.

The enhancements include:

  • Keyword Coverage:  Find out which keywords are triggering shopping ads and where you and your competitors have coverage gaps.
  • Share of Voice (SOV) Alerts: Users can now get a SmartAlert™ when PLA SOV increases or drops for your own ads and your competitors’ products.

These PLA enhancements come on the heels of The Search Monitor’s announcement of the addition of Vehicle Listing Ad monitoring.

The Search Monitor’s customers will be able to use this enhanced technology to save time and more effectively capture market share in the very competitive and expensive PLA space. These unprecedented insights will make it possible for advertisers to not only discover new opportunities, but also better understand their competitors.

Lori Weiman, CEO of The Search Monitor, sums up the significance of these enhancements, “The ability for our customers to find out what is happening in their market before their competitors do is a huge competitive advantage. Adding SmartAlerts™ to our Share of Voice reporting has been something our customers have been asking for, and we are thrilled to now be able to offer those insights to them. In addition, being able to find and leverage keyword coverage gaps means our customers can spend their PLA budgets more strategically.”

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