4 hacks to get monster growth from PPC brand protection

The Search Monitor’s CEO, Lori Weiman, was featured on Search Engine Land today as she provided marketers with four PPC growth hacks involving brand protection. Lori explains why the phrase ‘PPC brand protection’ is actually a misnomer. It’s more of a revenue growth, or attack strategy, versus a defensive protective measure. She provides data from several Search Monitor clients who have increased their focus on protecting their branded keywords. In particular, she shares a case study from Chacka Marketing and their client, Avery Office Supplies, where PPC brand protection led to the these dramatic PPC results. Next, Lori provided four growth hacks marketers can use to achieve impressive campaign results:

  • Enhance your list of branded keywords
  • Team up with partners & affiliates
  • Knock out competitors with search engine complaints
  • Piggyback on others’ brands

Read the full article on Search Engine Land, and then contact us for an evaluation of your branded keywords and to learn who’s using them.

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