4 real-life applications for the Search Marketing Visibility Score

Since we launched our new Search Marketing Visibility Score in January, our clients have asked us for a view real-world examples of how they can use it for presentations to senior management, or to their clients (in the case of ad agencies). Below are four great examples—with real Search Monitor data from February 2015—of how to use the score:

  • Non-Branded Terms:  This example shows how three leading retailers score for an important category keyword: “running shoes”. Reebok scored the highest (68), followed by Zappos (41) and then Eastbay (32). Remember that the Search Marketing Visibility Score encompasses appearances and ranking in 3 sections: Paid, Organic, and PLA (if applicable). It is then weighted against all advertisers for that keyword.
  • Branded Terms: Advertisers can also evaluate performance for brand and brand-plus keywords. Here, we see the three top scores for “nike running shoes”. We would expect Nike to score the highest (they did), followed by retailers who (hopefully) have permission to bid on Nike’s terms that they sell. We say ‘hopefully’ because this score also helps manufacturers make sure their retailers are only appearing in approved sections and ranks.
  • SMVS Trends: A great way to use the Search Marketing Visibility Score is to trend it over time against at least one other competitor. We see that Footlocker has been gaining visibility for the term “nike running shoes” and actually equaled Nike’s visibility in February.
  • SMVS By Section: The last chart takes one keyword (“running shoes”) and one advertiser (Road Runner Shoes) and breaks down the advertiser’s score into the SERP Share for Paid, Organic, and PLA. This lets Road Runner pinpoint where it needs to focus to increase its overall visibility. You can see it’s performing well for Organic visibility, lower for Paid visibility, and poor for PLA visibility.

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