Brand Protection In Real Life —Edible Arrangements vs. Google

Edible Arrangements is suing Google in federal court for $209 million, citing unfair competition and trademark infringement.

Edible Arrangements claims that Google’s placement of ads for “Edible Arrangements” has caused confusion as to whether its own products and services are affiliated with those of its competitors. Edible Arrangements is seeking $9 million for the profits it estimates Google has earned from running those ads, as well as $200 million more in damages for what it claims is trademark infringement.

This case is a good opportunity to look at your bidding strategy and the strategy of your competitors.

Brands that use The Search Monitor can identify and prevent brand protection issues before they become a $200+ million problem.  Don’t be a in a position where you are having to hire expensive lawyers to go up against Google because your brand is being compromised!

Do you have the right strategy for your branded campaigns? Download the Guide To PPC Brand Protection to learn more and get step-by-step instructions on protecting PPC revenue.

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