Which retailers have the highest share of voice for Google Shopping Ads?

Today we wanted to analyze which retailers had the highest Share of Voice for Google Shopping ads. The Google Shopping Share of Voice Report shows the market share for all competitors. The SOV is calculated by dividing the number of listings for the seller by the total number of Google Shopping listings for a specific keyword or keyword group. So, which retailers have been doing the best job capturing shoppers’ attention? We looked at the very popular keyword “Coleman Tents” for June 1-23, 2016. And here’s what we found:

Which retailers saw the highest Shopping Share of Voice?

Congrats to Jet.com for gaining the most share of voice for the keyword “Coleman Tents”! Kohl’s and Walmart also performed well, with Target coming in 4th. The chart shows that the top advertisers fell into roughly three groups of SOV. If you advertise on these terms, how do you compare?

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