Brand Protection
Google Trademark Policy Best Practices
May 14, 2020 | Brand Protection
Trademark use and misuse. If you are lucky enough to have a brand worth protecting, competitors are going to (or attempt to) use your trademarks in their Google Ads. So if it is inevitable, why bother trying to defend against Google AdWords trademark infringement? There are several benefits to protecting your trademarks on Google. 4 […]
August 21, 2019 | Affiliate Managers, Agencies, Brand Protection, Marketing Teams
Brand Bidding is your secret revenue weapon! We monitor data for millions of branded searches. Competition for these terms is on the rise and an effective, revenue-focused brand bidding strategy is the answer. Let’s discuss the best practices of “how” to implement brand bidding campaigns. Keyword Development As with any PPC campaign, brand bidding begins […]
How To Use Offer Monitoring For Brand Protection
July 26, 2017 | Brand Protection
Keeping your PPC offers competitive and relevant is essential. Armed with the right offer intelligence, it becomes easier to create compelling offers (that stand out from the competition), improve your clickthrough rates, and drive sales. But how can you use offer monitoring effectively for brand protection? Ad monitoring data is a great place to start for this. It gives you the […]
7 simple ways to protect yourself from PPC trademark violations
April 20, 2017 | Brand Protection
For the past nine years, the Search Monitor has captured millions of PPC ads run on even more keywords, from search engines across the globe. This perspective helps us identify trends to help our clients improve their ad campaigns. Lately, our ad monitoring data has revealed an increase in the volume of trademark violations appearing […]
4 hacks to get monster growth from PPC brand protection
April 20, 2017 | Affiliate Managers, Agencies, Brand Protection
The Search Monitor’s CEO, Lori Weiman, was featured on Search Engine Land today as she provided marketers with four PPC growth hacks involving brand protection. Lori explains why the phrase ‘PPC brand protection’ is actually a misnomer. It’s more of a revenue growth, or attack strategy, versus a defensive protective measure. She provides data from several Search […]
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