The SEM Playbook for Retailers

This free guide was written specifically for world-class online marketers who are looking for new insights and strategies to put into their SEM toolbox.

A Peek at What’s Inside:

  • The Tools Missing From Your SEM Toolbox
  • Be An SEM Landlord: Use the Whole SERP
  • Block and Tackle Defense: Brand Protection & Enforcement
  • Build Your Offensive Line: Use Affiliates for More Reach & Control
  • Bonus Data: The Results of Our PLA KPI Study
  • Customer Viewpoint: SERP Control By Vorys eControl

The SEM terrain is like a rocky landscape with a nice hiking trail right down the center. You are probably doing a great job of navigating on that center hiking trail carved out perfectly in front of you – exactly where Google and Bing want you to be.

How will you handle the inevitable challenges, when ROAS is compromised, costs go up, traffic is flat, or growth has slowed or reversed? Maybe your stake in the landscape is good (is it…?) but competitors are eroding it and you don’t even know it.

Ask yourself: What are you doing to protect yourself (defense) plus come back fighting (offense) with your current processes? Ultimately, do you feel in control?

If you’re ready to seize control and take your SEM to the next level, then click the cover below to download The SEM Playbook for Retailers.

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